Hold a 5K

Holding a 5k is hard work, but it pays off. You have to do many things in order to hold one. You have to get a space large enough to hold the desired number of people, if you close down roads, get permission to…

Website Project

If you have so many ideas to share and help your community with you should make your own community help website! You can make a website full of posts of projects you’ve done, or, like us, build a website to help others do projects….

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue is looking for volunteers to help Homer the dog! There is a variety of things they are looking for. You can make catnip toys for the cats, or make flyers about upcoming events and ask to hang them in local…

Animal shelter project kits

The animals at the Animal Welfare league of Alexandria are looking for people to do some at home activities from their project list which could include making toys, bedding or even preparing treats. All of the activities on the Project List can be completed…

Power Packs

Make power packs for families who don’t get enough food. Each power pack consists of two breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, and 2 snacks and 2 drinks. You can buy the food to make them, or you can actually put them together. Find out more…

Stream Clean up

Fairfax county streams are in need of your help! Go to a stream near you with a trash bag and gloves and look around, if you look closely you’ll realize just how much trash ends up in our local streams. This is a great…

Stormwater Drain Labeling

Stormwater label

The Northern Virginia Storm Water Conservation District is needs volunteers to lead storm drain labeling projects. Storm drain labeling is an effective, low-cost method of educating residents about water quality problems in our streams, lakes, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Volunteers provide the legwork needed…