Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should use this website?
A: This website is for anybody who needs a service project. The projects have tags for different age groups to help you find your perfect project.

Q: How should I use this website?
A: You can use this site to find a project, get inspiration for other things, give feedback on the projects, and/or submit projects into the site.

Q: Can I add a project to your site?
A: You can! There is a form on the submit a project page. You can enter the project info, and then we will consider adding it onto the site.

Q: If I have a question about one of the projects, who should I contact?
A: There is contact information with each of the projects. You should contact them with any questions.

Q: Can I offer feedback if I’ve done one of the projects?
A: Yes! You can go to the contact us page and submit your feedback there. You can also email us.