Website Project

If you have so many ideas to share and help your community with you should make your own community help website! You can make a website full of posts of projects you’ve done, or, like us, build a website to help others do projects….

Feral Cat Education

This is a good way to share information about feral cats to the community while also helping cats out. Gather up some people in your community at a library or somewhere else and teach them about feral cats in the community. You can use…

Little Free Library

To step up the difficulty on your projects you can try to make a Little Free Library near you. This is a case of books where someone can take a book from home to put in the library and then take one out to…

Girl Scout Camp Improvements

Girl Scout camps are in need of help. One of the many things you can do at our GS camps is painting various things like picnic tables, benches and porches with a color chosen by the GSCNC. This is for all GS camps, not…

Stormwater Drain Labeling

Stormwater label

The Northern Virginia Storm Water Conservation District is needs volunteers to lead storm drain labeling projects. Storm drain labeling is an effective, low-cost method of educating residents about water quality problems in our streams, lakes, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Volunteers provide the legwork needed…